
Which relationship do you think is more important–the marital relationship or the relationship among/between siblings?  

 Okay, yes.  You’re right.  I just got done watching episode 11 of season 6 of This Is Us.  Yeah, I’m a little late to the party.  ( If you know me, you know I’m literally always late to the party.). You guys, how could they do this??  How can Kate and Toby break up??  It’s the worst thing ever!  Toby has been one of my  two favorite characters (matched only by Beth) since the beginning.  

Oh, and you know that “big talk” Rebecca had with the big three at the cabin over Thanksgiving and the last request she made of them/advice she gave them?  Well, I thought it was crap. 

Sigh.  I need someone to talk to about this.    My question stands, though.  For real:  which relationship do you think is more important?

Oh.  And one more thing!  Remember a while back I told you I had scored an incredible deal on some awesome chairs at St. Vinnies??  ( I got FOUR brand new $249 chairs for a total of  $29!).   Well, my exact chairs made a cameo on this episode!  Kate and Toby’s dining chairs?  Yep.  Those are the chairs I got.  Cool, huh??



4 thoughts on “Katoby”

  1. That’s a good question Anner. I think that the level of importance of relationships within a family depends on what is happening within each distinct family. Wonder if your dad is an alcoholic/abuser, or if one of your siblings is a psychopath. IMO, there is no definitive answer.

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