Evening The Score

It’s just occurring to me that Summer is officially over. Sad. Very Sad. After picking up Camp today, I drove over to the Tuesday produce stand to pick up some peppers and tomatoes, only to see a deserted gravel lot. No peppers. No tomatoes. No peaches. The season is over, and I’m not happy about it. It’s a dang good thing that all the best holidays land in the fall and winter seasons, because otherwise they’d have no redeeming value. I’ve always said that the colder months are better because winter clothes are cuter than summer clothes, but now that my whole clothing sitch-e-ation has changed–not to mention the horrible things that added humidity does to my hair–my attitude about the fall and winter months has changed. Like I said–thank goodness for the holidays.
So far, Camp is really enjoying school. He gets annoyed by my asking for too many details, and he never says things are wonderful, but he always comes home happy and hasn’t expressed any concerns, so I’m assuming all is well. I’ll get to start volunteering in his classroom at the start of October, which I’m really excited about.
Jane and Dan are in swimming lessons again and Janey had her first soccer game on Saturday. Man, that girl is darling. She was a little timid at first, but soon enough, she was running all over the field–looking back every now and again to revel in Camp’s cheering for her. Soccer will have been a huge blessing if for nothing else, just as a reinforcement to Jane that Camp really does love her.
And guess what? I got to do a little decorating recently. Nothing big, but exciting still the same. My friend Kim is in the middle of moving and was getting rid of a bunch of stuff, so she gave me some fabulous contact paper that she was done with. At first, I considered covering the backs of my bookshelves with it, but because I’m not sure it wouldn’t harm the wood, I decided to just cover some books instead. I know it is totally lame to not be able to read the titles of the books, but it sure looks good. By the way–have I ever posted pictures of my family room after having painted it blue? Well here it is. I swore I’d never decorate with blue, but I’m eating my words now. I can’t seem to get enough of it–although I ‘m still accessorizing in green and red. (By the way–these are the new toss pillows I’ll be asking for for my birthday. What do you think?)

I had a showing the other day, so I decided to take some pictures while the pillows were still fluffed and the lines were still in the carpet. Those things don’t last long, you know. Man, I love it when my house is clean. I almost want to just move out onto the porch.

Brian ran a half-marathon trail run on Saturday in the rain after having worked through the night like half the week, and he still kicked fanny big time. So big time that I didn’t even make it to the finish line in time to cheer for and congratulate him. Yikes. And he’s just signed himself up for a marathon trail run for the weekend of his birthday. Can you imagine running 26.2 miles of trails?! I think I’ll grab my next opportunity to go through his truck for illegal stimulants. The guy’s obviously lost his marbles.
So anyway….

It’s a good thing I just previewed my post because I almost forgot to explain the title. We’re having a boy”! Final score (most likely): boys–2, girls–2. Tie game.