OK, so it’s one day late, but let me tell you some of the wonderful things about my dad and my husband. I love my dad because he took very seriously the responsibility of teaching me the gospel. I feel lucky to say that I did not learn the gospel from seminary or church leaders. […]
Wow. These are the moments a mother lives for…. Ya, OK, so it was staged. Still, they were already sitting on the step eating popsicles. All I did was tell Camp to put his arm around Jane. He thought to kiss her himself. So it was still a beautiful moment.
So today is Fathers’ Day. I love Fathers’ Day just like I love every holiday. Holidays provide a good reason to eat more thant usual and buy cards and have fun as a family. Today was one of those days. I’ve been really looking forward to doing a Fathers’ Day blog and sharing with you
This blogging thing has already done something good for me. It has motivated and reminded me to take more pictures. I know that anyone visiting this site will care a whole lot more about pics of my kids than about what I have to say–so it is of little consequence that I never have anything
Blogging? I feel the same way that Camp felt yesterday when I was trying to help him go potty. We were unable to efficiently get his “potty” untangled from his shirt and pants quickly enough and he ended up spraying a good part of the bathroom. What was his reaction to this? He said, “Oh