Since it has kinda become a tradition–a copy of my Christmas letter: Dear Friends and Family, A few months ago, as the summer was nearing its end, Brian and I were talking about how life had kinda settled down and things had been pretty good. I told him I felt like […]
With regard to what’s been up with us for the last month or so, “Let me ‘splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up.”(Big time bonus points to whomever can name the movie that quote comes from.) Nope. I don’t even have time or energy to sum up. So here’s some
Janey’s Birthday and Deck Them Halls Read More »
With regard to what’s been up with us for the last month or so, “Let me ‘splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up.”(Big time bonus points to whomever can name the movie that quote comes from.) Nope. I don’t even have time or energy to sum up. So here’s some
Janey’s Birthday and Deck Them Halls Read More »
I just wanted to again thank all of you who have helped make dinners a little less stressful for me. I am “choosing” all of the dinner suggestions that were left in response to my last post–they all sound wonderful!– so those people will get double entries. I will draw a winner (see last post
I just wanted to again thank all of you who have helped make dinners a little less stressful for me. I am “choosing” all of the dinner suggestions that were left in response to my last post–they all sound wonderful!– so those people will get double entries. I will draw a winner (see last post
Oh boy. This is seriously so stressful. I hate getting behind like this. I could just bag the whole blog thing all together, but I love it too much–despite not ever having time for it. And how would it be for Skip to have so little of his life chronicled? Not good. So what did
The Birds and the Bees (and I’m giving away my favorite shelf) Read More »
Oh boy. This is seriously so stressful. I hate getting behind like this. I could just bag the whole blog thing all together, but I love it too much–despite not ever having time for it. And how would it be for Skip to have so little of his life chronicled? Not good. So what did
The Birds and the Bees (and I’m giving away my favorite shelf) Read More »
Danin’s been kinda throwing a fit for the last ten minutes or so after having been scolded by Brian for being disrespectful. Out of nowhere, she just busted out with, “….And I want a bigger house with stairs in it.” If only, if only… 🙂
Danin’s been kinda throwing a fit for the last ten minutes or so after having been scolded by Brian for being disrespectful. Out of nowhere, she just busted out with, “….And I want a bigger house with stairs in it.” If only, if only… 🙂
So get this: Late last night, Brian finally told me that for three days I have had really bad breath. Are you serious?! He suffered through three days of talking, kissing, and being…really….close…to me without telling me? Oh, my heavens! I am so embarrassed. I think he waited so long to tell me because he
SupercalafragilisticexpiHALITOSIS Read More »