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Christmas 2022
Well, since I’m writing this on June 29, 2023, I don’t have a lot to say about last Christmas. What I WILL say, is that I brought a light lavender into my scheme–through pillows, wrappings...
Which relationship do you think is more important–the marital relationship or the relationship among/between siblings?    Okay, yes.  You’re right.  I just got done...
Well, Goodness Me. I've Got a Website.
Good morning!  (Is it okay if I start every blog post that way, regardless of what time I’m writing?  I mean, I feel like it’s tradition.  You know?  It’s one of the...
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One Week in the Instagram Grave
Good….Evening!   Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that this week has been really good.  I’ve appreciated having a calmer mind, room to breathe, and a greater capacity...
A Note to My Kids: Danin
Shuggie Shuggie, How you get so fly?  I’ve realized it may have been better to spell it Shoogie all these years, but oh well.  You know what I’m saying. Giiiirl… Where do I...
A Note to My Kids : Jane
Just wanted to note here that the words I addressed to Jane, I saved as a draft so as to respect her privacy.
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