And The Meals I Chose Are…..

French Dip Sandwiches
Olive Garden Zuppa Toscana
Salmon with Steamed Veggies
Spaghetti Squash with Sauteed Veggies and Grilled Chicken
Thai Pineapple Chicken Curry
Mango Quinoa Salad
White Chicken Enchiladas  (I had only ever made enchiladas with Cream of Chicken soup.  Then Sarah told me you should never eat anything that plops–i.e. “cream of crap” as she calls it–so I walked away from enchiladas (almost all together) with my tail between my legs.   So while this recipe still includes the other cheesy, buttery good stuff–it’s still a step up 🙂

You can find these recipes (or links to the recipes) in the comments here.


So those who suggested these meals will be entered into the drawing for the 3M strips next Saturday, and they will receive double entries into December’s drawing for my favorite shelf.    I must say– ALL the meals sounded wonderful, and I reserve the right to later choose any of the meals not chosen this time.  Also, if you are willing and interested, you may suggest up to three meals a week.  This increases your chances of having a meal chosen, and it increases my repertoire of potential dinners.  Win, win.

Seriously, girls–Thank you SO much for doing this with me.  You really helped to de-stress my week. 

So, again–What’s For Dinner? (Explanation given here. )

Also, this coming week I will be posting about things other than food–my New Year’s Resolutions, Yo Mama Jokes,  and a litte miracle. So stay tuned!