Yesterday, I happened to glance down at Skip while he had his finger in his nose. He said to me, “Burger…(booger).” I laughed and commented, “That’s nasty.” Then he said to me, “Mom, dare (they’re) not nasty. You should try one.” No shame, I tell ya. The boy’s got no shame. Just out of curiosity–how …
September 2014
Yesterday, I happened to glance down at Skip while he had his finger in his nose. He said to me, “Burger…(booger).” I laughed and commented, “That’s nasty.” Then he said to me, “Mom, dare (they’re) not nasty. You should try one.” No shame, I tell ya. The boy’s got no shame. Just out of curiosity–how …
Skip said the dinner prayer tonight. I reminded him to thank Heavenly Father for the food. He also included, “Thank you for Santa Claus. I want a shoot gun like Afton’s….” Afterwards, Camp commented that Skip may be confusing Santa Claus and God. Yikes. Tomorrow night Brian and I are taking Jane out on …
Skip said the dinner prayer tonight. I reminded him to thank Heavenly Father for the food. He also included, “Thank you for Santa Claus. I want a shoot gun like Afton’s….” Afterwards, Camp commented that Skip may be confusing Santa Claus and God. Yikes. Tomorrow night Brian and I are taking Jane out on …
I admire my Shugee so much. On the first day of school, the two of us stood outside her new classroom and I asked to take one more picture of her. She rolled her eyes, but consented. Then I gave her a last excited hug and a kiss. She groaned a bit, and not because …
I admire my Shugee so much. On the first day of school, the two of us stood outside her new classroom and I asked to take one more picture of her. She rolled her eyes, but consented. Then I gave her a last excited hug and a kiss. She groaned a bit, and not because …
Did I tell you this summer has been the best summer ever? It has. And sometime I am going to write all about it. But for now, I’m just going to share my favorite part of it. My family.