Danin’s been kinda throwing a fit for the last ten minutes or so after having been scolded by Brian for being disrespectful. Out of nowhere, she just busted out with, “….And I want a bigger house with stairs in it.” If only, if only… 🙂
September 2012
Danin’s been kinda throwing a fit for the last ten minutes or so after having been scolded by Brian for being disrespectful. Out of nowhere, she just busted out with, “….And I want a bigger house with stairs in it.” If only, if only… 🙂
So get this: Late last night, Brian finally told me that for three days I have had really bad breath. Are you serious?! He suffered through three days of talking, kissing, and being…really….close…to me without telling me? Oh, my heavens! I am so embarrassed. I think he waited so long to tell me because he
SupercalafragilisticexpiHALITOSIS Read More »
So get this: Late last night, Brian finally told me that for three days I have had really bad breath. Are you serious?! He suffered through three days of talking, kissing, and being…really….close…to me without telling me? Oh, my heavens! I am so embarrassed. I think he waited so long to tell me because he
SupercalafragilisticexpiHALITOSIS Read More »
I’ve already told you how I was forced to divulge the truth about the tooth fairy with my kids, right? (Camp found some Fruit-By-The-Foots up in my closet–the SAME treats left under his pillow by the tooth fairy the night before. Doh!) And it hasn’t been a big deal. Just like I didn’t care as
I’ve already told you how I was forced to divulge the truth about the tooth fairy with my kids, right? (Camp found some Fruit-By-The-Foots up in my closet–the SAME treats left under his pillow by the tooth fairy the night before. Doh!) And it hasn’t been a big deal. Just like I didn’t care as